Who are we?

Why do we do what we do?
Laraine, Sandy and Emily created Stitches & Knots to share our love of modern crochet, knitting, sewing and macrame with you. Laraine (AKA Granny) has been crocheting and knitting for a huge number of years. She has donated over 2500 'trauma teddies' in her time to hospitals all over Australia and loves creating new pieces for her friends and family members. Sandy has been crocheting since a teen days (think 70s/80s!) and it was the addition of the fourth generation that really got her back into the art. She crochets of an evening and on weekends as a bit of R&R. Emily has been learning the art of macrame during her time at home with the fourth generation. Although her spare time is limited she finds it relaxing to sit down and knot while the kids are in bed.
All of our products are made with great thought and care and we hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy creating them.